Wkly Brief – What is Love?

Toss the Typewriter

Sisyphus Boulder

Loving someone with a mental illness has been compared to a rollercoaster ride, a merry-go-round, a broken record. As a loved one spits spite; we listen and still love.  We show up the next day for more of the same.  For me, it is my own Sisyphus boulder.  I am destined to repeat the cycle over and over, ever hoping for a different outcome.

As I have learned about my loved one’s illness, I have grown kinder and more patient. I am grateful for this relationship in my life that deepens daily and has helped me grow into a better person. Each day together is a blessing; some days are radiant sunshine and hope. Other days? Well yes, there are other days that are harder to take. But even those aren’t too bad, when I am able to apply all I have learned about self-care to my day.

Yet there will always be days…

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